Settling In...
I spent the second day in the office getting to know where everything is kept. I gained a better understanding of the work that I will soon carry out.
I met the Admin Assistant Caroline Loudon who I will be working closely with over the next year. I was delighted to discover I would have my own desk and computer to work at where once fully trained, I will be able to assist Caroline with telephone enquiries. Caroline helped me gain an understanding of the process taken place from the community class being paid for, to getting paid into CultureNL. It is surprisingly more tedious than I once thought and it was interesting to see what goes on behind the scenes.
An important task set to me for the full year is arranging pay slips. This means arranging them in chronological order and into their art form. They then get stored and paired with the corresponding pay slips. The money handling also isn't as straight forward and that is a whole other process.
However this is also very interesting and great knowledge to have progressing on after my apprenticeship.
I have been given a diary to take note of the tasks I complete as this is good to look back on to provide evidence for certain modules within my qualification.
So far I am enjoying my experience and can't wait to see what the next year has in store!