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Dancing & Creating Snapchat Filters

Today was my first day getting out of the office environment and seeing what kind of service CultureNL provide. It started off with going to Charlotte Toal Community Centre where an All Ability Stretch Class was taking place. I spent the first 20 minutes learning where all the equipment was stored and what it is used for.


I then met the class leader Lesley as well as Chloe who helps her with the class. Chloe showed me how to take the register, collect cash and provide the customer a receipt. Next time I attend I will be carrying out these duties as well as joining in with the class. Unfortunately I didn’t have the correct attire with me to join in.


It was interesting to have an insight on the content of the class. There was a large amount of people there who all seemed to really enjoy themselves, as did I.


After filling in some research for my college project, I was off to another class in the Charlotte Toal Community Centre. This was a Kid’s Visual Arts Class. I was able to fully get involved with what each child was creating. The task was to outline cardboard glasses, hats, moustaches etc. to create a disguise that they could then cut out and colour in. I thought this was a smart idea that the children would be able to fully engage in as it incorporated something modern like ‘Snapchat Filters’ that the children would enjoy.

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